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Love on the Planet

"When all the people in the world love one another, then the strong will not overpower the weak, the many will not oppress the few, the wealthy will not mock the poor, the honored will not distain the humble, and the cunning will not deceive the simple.” –Mozi, Chinese Philosopher (circa 470-circa 391 BC)

Our planet as a whole is lacking love. By taking part in wars, for example, we give in to fear which is the exact opposite of love. There is no easy solution to this, but it must start somewhere, and I believe that is with the individuals inhabiting the planet.


They say that "energy flows where attention goes," meaning whatever you focus your attention on is what you give life to, or what you're essentially breeding. Look around and think about what our society is breeding; what our attention is focused on. What do we see and hear on the news on a daily basis? 

It's harder to have a good, positive day of high vibrations when you wake up to news broadcasts of what went wrong in the world and why you should be scared: another murder, another terrorist attack.

Sure, it's important to be informed, but I would argue that it's more important to be informed of all the good happening in the world. There is so much of it out there that we don't hear about. The reason it's so important to focus on the good is because, like I said, that is what we then breed. 


If people start to focus their energy on the light rather than the dark, we will breed more light, overpower the dark, and start to see changes worldwide. 

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