The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is how we create our reality. Simply put, when we focus on positive thoughts and feelings, we bring positive experiences into our lives. When we focus on negative thoughts and feelings, we bring negative experiences into our lives. Think about the phrase “had a bad day.” Do you ever notice that when something bad happens to you, it often leads to a chain reaction of one bad thing after another happening? A lot of times it’s because when something happens (for example, when we spill coffee on ourselves) we start having negative thoughts, which lead to negative feelings, which lead to attracting more negative experiences.
The good news is that any time you’re having a “bad day,” it’s only because you think you are, meaning you can change your day by changing your thoughts. Try it out. The best way to turn your day around is by thinking thoughts of love and gratitude. Think about all that you’re thankful for. It can be a small list, just start thinking. Don't forget the things you might take for granted, like your five senses. That's often a good place to start.
Once you do this, you’ll start thinking of more and more things you’re grateful for, which will automatically make you feel good, in turn raising your vibrational frequency. Try it!